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«I write what I cannot film; I film what I cannot write»
«Unable to see reality without the right lens. I need cinema to understand life, because it gathers within itself a balance, as in poetry, without which everything dissipates. I write what I cannot film; I film what I cannot write»
Flavia Incitti was born in Rome in 1994. She is a filmmaker and editor.
She graduated in languages from the Liceo Classico-Sperimentale-Linguistico "Tito Lucrezio Caro," in 2013. She obtains a bachelor's degree in Film and TV Production from the University of Greenwich, London, in 2017. She also obtains a master's degree in Multimedia and Technological Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, in 2021.
She experiments in the audiovisual through the creation of video diaries, in which she is also a performer.
She works as AD in film productions and as editor in post-production companies.
She is the author of articles, reviews and short stories at several magazines: Animamediatica, Max del Papa's Lighthouse, Palin Magazine.
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